Final countdown for the 2015 Carnival of Roses
Next thursday the 12th will kick off this year's Carnival with the Welcome parade and proclamation of His Majesty King "Carnestoltes". On friday 13th at 9pm starts the parade, the first and most important of the 3 that will take place during these days. Saturday at 4pm and sunday at 12pm all groups will parade again with their costumes, carriages, music and dances. Carnival finishes on monday 16th with a popular "arrossada" (rice meal) and the Sardine's burial on the beach in the afternoon. Altogether, 5 uninterrupted days in which the town transforms to fully live one of its most rooted traditions; gone are the months of planning, making costumes and elaborating the carriages, to start thinking again in the next one as soon as this finishes.