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The Dalinian Triangle

The Dalinian Triangle is known as the route that you have to follow to visit the 3 locations that collect the most important works from Salvador Dalí in the Alt Empordà region. Placed in the 3 vertex of this triangle the spots you can’t miss are the following: Figures, Portlligat and Púbol.

FIGUERES is the capital of the Alt Empordà region, city that saw Salvador Dalí birth and death (1904-1989) and where today you find one of the most important museums of the world: Theatre-Museum Dalí. The building that houses the museum is the old municipal theatre of Figueres, in neoclassic style, was burned during the Spanish Civil War. In 1974 Dalí purchased the ruins to turn them into his most spectacular piece of art, he created and designed it as a whole and nowadays it remains exactly as he planned it. During August it is possible to visit the museum at night.

PORTLLIGAT is located just over 1km from the center of Cadaqués, it’s a small isolated fishing village choosed by Dalí to live and create most of his work. The house is a set of old fishermen’s huts that the painter acquired gradually and reformed into his peculiar taste. Shaped as a labyrinth hides beautiful spots that have been tried to keep intact and that can be visited in small groups of 8 persons, advanced booking is mandatory.

PÚBOL is a small village belonging to the municipality of La Pera. Under the promise of turning Gala in the Queen of her own castle, Dalí bought the property in 1969 and transformed it with a great creative effort in its restoration to be the refuge of his muse. This was the last workshop the artist worked in between 1982 and 1984 and in the crypt lie the remains of Gala.

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