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The Cap de Creus – the last outlet of the Pyrenees

The Cap de Creus is one of the largest protected natural reserves in Catalonia with a total area of 13,886 hectares of which 3,073 are at sea. Because of its exceptional biological, geological and scenic quality it was declared the first maritime-terrestrial park in the country. Inside the park we find two protected areas: land and maritime. Within the land there are 3 natural zones declared of national interest (PNIN): - To the North, the sector around Cap Gros – Cap de Creus (with its mythical Lighthouse flashing twice every 10 seconds and location for various movies throughout the years). - To the South the sector of Punta Falconera – Cap Norfeu (a place of exceptional geological and biological beauty, where traces of volcanic activity from 10 million years ago have been discovered). - And to the West the sector around de Serra de Rodes. All the islands in the marine area are also Natural Sites of National Interest with 3 partial nature reserves: the Farallons, the Creus Cap and the Norfeu Cape. The waters are exceptional clean and pure, with a rich wealth of underwater life. This is a famous place for diving exploring the different species of corals and seaweed meadows. The spectacular geological outcrops are one of the most significant features of this park, its forms often causes the visitor’s imagination to get carried away. The strong north winds and the sea have been shaping this landscape starting its activity thousands of years ago. For nature lovers, this unique environment has a great vegetation diversity with numerous strange species, some endemic. Abrupt cliffs, dark rocks furrowed by the wind and salt, small islands and secluded coves. There a number of unquestionable scenic values of the area, places that are regularly exposed to strong winds and some other that are shielded, views that are simply unrepeatable, a must see for every visitor.

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