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Roses: the tourist and fishing centre in the northern Costa Brava

At the northern end of the Gulf of Roses, between the Cap de Creus peninsula and the Montgrí massif lays the town of Roses. The calm waters of this natural harbor was once the chosen site by the Greeks of Rhodes, to establish its commercial colony Rhode, founded in 776 BC. This historic event has become the trademark of this town that stretches between the sea and the mountains in the northern Costa Brava. This town, in the province of Girona in Catalonia, offers a multitude of beaches and coves between rocky cliffs, where visitors can practice all kinds of water sports as well as walking through the nearby parks of the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà and Cap de Creus. Meanwhile, the historic-artistic Citadel of Roses, the ruins of the Greek city of Rhodes, the old Greek quarter (III. AC) or the remains of the Roman city (XI century) offer visitors a true historic trail in this corner of the Mediterranean. The historic-artistic Citadel is an example of Renaissance defensive structure to the sea. The construction of this military fortification was ordered by the Emperor Charles V to deal with the attacks by pirates and privateers. Today it houses the remains of the neighborhood of the Greek city of Rhode, the Roman village (II. AC - VI. BC), the early Christian necropolis, several buildings of the Visigoth period, the Romanesque monastery of Santa Maria (XI century), the remains of the medieval core and various military buildings (XVI century). The Castle of Trinity belongs to the same period as the Citadel (XVI century). The design retains the shape of a five-pointed star used in all military buildings of the time. Just in front of the castle, right by the sea lays the Lighthouse of Roses, one of many along the coast. In the town of Roses visitors will find interesting to visit the parish church of Saint Mary and the House of Mallol. This last one, preserves the original ornamental ceilings and wrought iron and stained glass made by local artists. The coves, the clear waters, the sandy beaches and the semi-wild cliffs stretch along the coast of Roses. Many of the beaches have been awarded with the Blue Flag accreditation for its environmental quality. Of the various leisure activities that the coast and the marina of Roses have to offer, many adventure activities should be added. The richness of this region allows you to admire the final foothills of the Pyrenees and the Sea is yet another adventure, providing an excellent opportunity to meet the large number of animal species and plants the live in its depths.

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