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The Dalí triangle

The prodigal son was born in Figueres, in the Empordà region, on a beautiful day in May 1904. His birthplace is just a few steps away from one of the most visited museums in Spain and home of most of his work: the Dalí Theatre-Museum. This ancient theatre was converted into a museum designed by the artist himself and he is also buried under the glass dome in a crypt. A second point on the Dalí-triangle is the castle of Púbol, Salvador Dalí’s gift to his beloved Gala. This castle is located in the small town of La Pera (Alt Empordà) and houses an impressive collection of art and couture dresses in the private rooms of Gala. This is also the place were Gala is buried. The third and last point on the Dalí-triangle is the Dalí House-Museum in the small town of Portlligat, near Cadaqués. Salvador Dalí spend most of his life here. This house was renovated for over 40 years acquiring the adjoining fishing schacks. Today the house looks like a maze and houses personal belongings, furniture of the artists and his workshop.
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